BSGG Rank #4155

How to buy (BSGG) Token - Explanation, price and risks Exchanges

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TraderJoe MIM/WAVAX -
SushiSwap (Fantom) BSGG/MIM -
What is BETSWAP.GG EXCHANGE (BSGG)? is a decentralized esports and sports betting exchange launched on the ethereum/polygon blockchain. It allows bettors from all over the world to bet access to all sports, esports and fantasy sports from around the world without geographical restrictions, total anonymity and the use of stable currencies to place bets. BSGG is the native utility token used for: Governance and voting to enable community governance in all matters related to the Betswap Protocol Take to receive a dedicated share of the commission pool, giving users higher returns than rates guarantee Participation rewards: bonus programs on initial bets, rewards for bets for and against, money back in native tokens on lost bets and referral and earn tokens Liquidity by group AMMBETSWAP.GG USP: Being a decentralized platform of sports betting, Betswap offers a variety of benefits, such as: Anonymity: Clients can deposit and withdraw their funds anonymously and instantly. Security and lower fees: Crypto sports betting works with secure payment methods with zero or lower transaction fees. Flexibility – as users can interact with the platform using a variety of cryptocurrencies such as USDT and MIM. Decentralization – As a decentralized sports betting platform, Betswap offers users a higher level of security and transparency of user funds. How many BSGG coins are there in circulation? Project launched on May 13, 2021 and listed on Sushiswap on January 6, 2022. Maximum supply of 10 billion BSGG tokens, of which 1,500,000,000 are in circulation. 90% of the maximum supply will be burned over time using part of the earned commission generated by the platform to cap supply and create value for holders. Who are the founders of the BSGG protocol? For reasons of security and confidentiality, the identity of the founders will not be revealed. That said, a renowned third-party personal identification reviewer will conduct and share a personal audit. Where can I buy BSGGBSGG was initially listed on Sushiswap and supports Ethereum, Avalanche (AVAX), and Fantom (FTM), along with multiple centralized exchanges.