Bakery Tools

Bakery Tools

Bakery Tools TBAKE Rank #8074

How to buy Bakery Tools (TBAKE) Token - What is it, price and benefits

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PancakeSwap DOGE/BUSD -
Bakerytools is a central hub & Binance Chain Pairs Trading Tool & pool explorer and a hotspot for pre-sale and private listings. We provide real-time data analytics, multiple pairs and groups, and HotSpots. HotSpot is for individuals and pre-sale enthusiasts, it is a place for projects who want to stream their projects privately and for pre-sale. 35M presale - No grace period Private Sale 25M - 50% initial unlock followed by 50% after 1 month. Cash 20M - Locked Team 10M: 10% initial unlock, 10% initial unlock every 3 months. 10M Marketing - 20% initial unlock followed by 10% every 3 months Total offer: 100M TBAKE