

Aurora AURORA Rank #359

How to buy Aurora (AURORA) Token - Explanation, price and staking

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What is Aurora? Aurora is a product that helps Ethereum and dApp users easily switch to the NEAR blockchain. It allows users to do two different things: upload and interact with Solidity smart contracts on the NEAR blockchain, and move assets (including ERC-20 tokens) between Ethereum, NEAR, and Aurora via Rainbow Bridge. ETH is to offer the best user experience and familiar tools for developers. The AURORA token is a governance token to ensure proper protocol updates. Aurora is governed by the AuroraDAO, which includes representatives from different ecosystems and sectors of the blockchain industry. What is AURORA Token Supply and Allocation? Max Supply is set at 1,000,000,000 tokens ($1 billion AURORA). The AURORA token generation event is on November 18, 2021. Tokens unlocked: * 1% of total supply goes to IDO, AMM pool implementation, market making, main association; * 1% is earmarked for Aurora Labs to be used as an incentive for project consultants; * 48% is kept in the AuroraDAO balance for future projects; * 20% is kept in the community treasury; * 3% is allocated to Aurora Labs to be distributed linearly and evenly to Aurora validator delegates in NEAR. Blocked Tokens: * 16% long-term incentives from Aurora Labs (may also be subject to vesting plan); * 2% to the first contributors of Aurora (they may also be subject to a consolidation regime); * 9% private investors from Aurora Labs. Locked tokens are subject to the unlock scheme: 2-year unlock scheme with linear unlock every 3 months and 6 months from the token release date (25% unlocked after 6 months, then an additional 12.5% ​​after 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 and 24 months) ). by dawn? The CEO of Aurora Labs is Dr. Alex Shevchenko, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, entrepreneur, blockchain enthusiast since 2015, Bitfury Exonum Developer, and a strong advocate of blockchain scalability solutions. Aurora Labs CTO is Arto Bendiken, self-taught, cypherpunk, entrepreneur, and prolific open source author with over 20 years of professional software engineering experience working with organizations such as the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Warfare Systems Command. Space and Naval (SPAWAR) of the United States Navy Aurora Labs Chief of Security & amp; The infrastructure is Frank Braun, a Doctor of Computer Science with over 20 years of experience building complex software systems. He has worked on scientific software, encrypted messaging systems, and digital currencies. The Aurora Labs Engine team leader is Joshua J. Bouw, who has over 10 years of experience at the intersection of cryptoeconomics design, software development, and open source ecosystem building. Billed as "The Godfather of Proof-of-Stake" for his initial role in developing proof-of-stake consensus mechanisms. The leader of the Aurora Labs Bridge team is Kirill Abramov, a software engineer with more than 6 years of experience developing high-performance software. He is passionate about the Blockchain space and he has rich experience in developing custom blockchains, implementing HW applications, and building cross-chain solutions.